With over 25 years of experience in sales, marketing, business development, events, networking, hosting meetings, and customer presentations, Maarten is an excellent Corporate Performance & Sales Coach who has found that the base of every success story is human relations and interactions.
When a business gets stuck, it is usually more than one area that needs attention. Over the years has been involved with multiple businesses and helped them develop the right strategies to grow and thrive. He is able to help companies with, Business advice & consulting, Digital business tools, the team and culture in the company and Events.
He works together with to help them make the best next step on their business journey, digital journey and make sure that their uniqueness is showcased through amazing events.
Working in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and North America, has given him a very wide understanding of different cultures which helps him effortlessly connect with people. His extensive experience of working in corporate environments has given him the unique skills required to communicate and connect with people at all levels.
His strength lies in the ability to listen to people and help them drill down to their core business problems. From there on I help them find the best fitting solutions and strategies to confidently bring their company to the next level.